
Theoretical capacity of machines to be self-aware and aware of their surroundings, akin to human consciousness, though largely a theoretical and speculative concept.

Computer systems that simulate human intelligence and perform tasks like those that humans can do.

An extremely brief unit of time, equivalent to one trillionth of a second. Relevant in fields like medicine and electronics for early diagnostics and faster devices.

Large-scale scientific projects involving numerous scientists, institutions, and countries, generating lasting scientific and technological advances. For example:

The Brain initiative referred to as the Brain Research Through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies or the Brain Activity Map Projects a collaborative research effort announced by President Obama with the aim of mapping the activity of each neuron in the human brain.

Study of biological aspects related to human diseases with the aim of developing new treatments and techniques.

Technology uses 3D printers to generate human tissue or even organs, with the potential to be a significant medical solution.

Devices integration or implants into the human body by merging biology, engineering, and electronics to restore lost functions.

Science that draws inspiration from nature to solve human problems through design.

Tools to understand complex systems, considering causality from a computational perspective.

Study of emergent phenomena from interactions among elements, where the whole is more than the sum of its parts.

Integration of neuroscience knowledge into engineering to replicate the functioning of the human brain.

Direct connection between the brain and computers to enhance cognitive abilities.

Anomalies in neuronal connectivity related to mental disorders such as autism or schizophrenia. Deciphering the connectome opens the possibility of repairing these connections.

Study of the brain's network of connections (connectome) that interconnect neurons through synapses, challenging present-century science.

Studies how individuals learn through rewards and punishments; neuroeconomics seeks to measure this physically in the brain.

Subfield of machine learning that employs artificial neural networks to find patterns in data and solve problems without human intervention.

Ingestible device that gathers information from the gastrointestinal tract and transmits it to the patient's or doctor's phone.

Joint use of rational analysis and emotional processing to guide behavior.

Quantum effect enabling the modification of electrical resistance through magnetic fields, crucial for data storage.

Transformation of group behaviors into collective intelligence to solve problems.

Radical transformation in production and labor, divided into four stages from the 18th century to the current technological era.

Methods and tools that aid in producing, manipulating, storing, communicating, and distributing information.

Based on intensive use of knowledge and technology, where education, training, and research are key factors for economic growth.

Process of using previous knowledge to build a new interpretation of experience, guiding future actions.

Capacity to learn from data, identify relationships, evaluate scenarios, and make independent decisions, especially with substantial amounts of data.

Replacement of human force by machines; automation enables these machines to execute, control, and supervise processes.

Capacity to retain past information, based on synaptic connections and efficient encoding.

Neurons activated when observing others perform an action, which can evoke sensations like those if the action were one's own, contributing to understanding other's actions, empathy, and observational learning.

Process of loss of properties in substances as they interact with the body, such as in the process of taking medication.

Exploration of methods to optimize the transit of drugs through the body and ensure they reach their target.

Use of nanotechnology in diagnosis, therapy, and regenerative medicine to treat diseases.

Science that manipulates light on the nanoscale, allowing light guidance without conversion to electricity.

Manipulation of matter at the nanometer scale with unique properties.

Set of nodes and lines connecting points, present in various aspects of life, with natural laws governing their evolution.

Collaboration between neuroscience and futurism aims to improve understanding of the brain and perceptions of the future. These topics encompass everything from brain function to the influence of technology on the economy and work, providing a broad view of the current scientific and technological world.

Studies decision-making and its neural, cognitive, and behavioral basis, exploring the biological foundations of economic cognition to understand how individuals prefer certain choices.

Educational approach based on neuroscience to improve learning and memory processes in both students and teachers, integrating knowledge about brain function.

A professional trained with an interdisciplinary perspective capable of bridging medicine, psychology, education, and social sciences. They start with neurobiological concepts that underlie learning processes such as emotion, curiosity, and
attention, moving on to more specific ones like understanding and memory. They have academical background in neuroscience (how the brain works) as the foundational knowledge for education and teaching.

Connects neurons with mechanical devices, such as artificial legs for amputees, translating brain activity into instructions to move prosthetics.

Study of the nervous system, its biochemical and pharmacological processes, the basis of human cognition and behavior.

Comprehends the principles of pattern-based learning influenced by emotions, with the ability to establish diverse learning pathways.

Internal mental representations that, introducing indeterminacy, generate useful Neutrosophic cognitive maps for representing causal knowledge.

Philosophical branch studying neutralities, their interactions with opposing ideologies, exploring neutral concepts and their balance.

Generalization of classical and imprecise probabilities, using the concept of neutrality to address uncertainty in different forms.

Studies the genetic manipulation of neurons with light, capable of recovering lost memories in diseases like Alzheimer's.

Nanostructured materials that selectively reflect certain colors of light.

Technical-scientific revolution that reconfigures the relationship between the human and the technological-digital.

Analyzes the interdependence between human existence and non-human entities, such as technologies and other living beings.

Studies how expert machines are gaining ground in society and their relationship with human-machine integration.

Pedagogical approach that integrates knowledge and skills acquired in everyday life to incorporate knowledge into development, creation, and fostering active and autonomous individuals in society.

Groups of atoms that emit light and have efficient diagnostic applications in medicine.

Study of atomic and subatomic systems and their interactions with electromagnetic radiation.

Employed in biology to describe the association of multiple individual organisms of the same species working together as a functional unit, as seen in colonies of social insects. Although each member has a specific function, collective work ensures the survival and success of the group.

A set of interrelated elements that form a collective entity, with inherent attributes of complexity, interactions, and emergent properties.

Refers to the moment when artificial intelligence will surpass human intelligence and exponentially improve itself. Comparing the processing speed between human neurons and computer networks suggests that an artificial intelligence machine could process information faster than a human brain.

Debate on the impact of automation on human work, paying special attention to job creation and destruction in different sectors.

Integration between science and technology, where scientific knowledge and its practical application intertwine and mutually benefit. It involves a continuous cycle in which scientific research generates knowledge for the development of innovative technologies, and in turn, technological innovations open new areas of scientific research, thus fueling economic progress and societal development.

Human ability to attribute mental states to oneself and others, such as beliefs, desires, emotions, and understand how these states influence behavior, enabling the comprehension and prediction of social behavior.

Accessing information and navigating the internet using brain implants and thoughts.

Creation of materials acting as scaffolds for the controlled growth of organs and tissues.